June 25, 2004

Tropical Houston

Wow, the rain this week has come pounding down. Everything is totally muddy and water-logged. I still don't have an umbrella, so I am using my gortex coat to dodge getting soaked. It's also rather hot here; it's like wandering around in hot soup. I finally broke down and bought an actual bus pass so I don't have to go fishing around in my wallet for dollar bills, and always make sure that I have ones in the first place.

Work is getting a bit more hands-on now. I have to do some lovely code archaeology just to build old stuff that is headed for retirement. So now I am waiting for the super secret magic incantations from other developers who supposedly know them. So much stuff has fallen between the cracks that I may very well never know how to reconstruct them. But I guess I have to try. Anyhow, the interesting stuff will start to drop in my lap when this stuff is more or less under control. I'm starting to see the real differences between self-educated consultants and employees who have been fighting fires their entire careers and thus unable to benefit from any education, it would seem. Consultants may just feel the pressure to really know their stuff because they can get canned if they don't, or will simply not get hired in the first place. Employees are sometimes never given a chance to become true experts because they often change jobs if they do. It is easier to leave the mess you trained on and drop in someplace else than to try to fix the mess on your own steam. Political pressures are always a good way to slow down good ideas. ;-)

I'm getting quite a bit of anticipation about my brother Daniel's wedding on July 3rd. He has asked me to be his best man, which I am honored to be. We have been discussing the ceremony, and we have plans for some lovely material that I believe everyone will enjoy. I'll be flying to MA next Wednesday, returning on July 5th from NJ. I have to take care of a few things in MA, and then Helen and Ian and I will drive down to NJ on Friday for the rehearsal. Our hotel has a wireless hotspot, so we will survive just fine and in style (Internet style, that is). Ian has to do some work for his web site job anyhow. We'll have a chance to do the July 4th thing that Sunday as well, which is something that Helen and I used to do with Daniel and Ben's mom even before Ben was born. So it will be a nice way to re-establish our tradition, but with better company this time. ;-)

Sigh. Now I have to go to bed because I have been depriving myself of sleep this week. I need to catch up, and then not doze all weekend.

Posted by David Cymbala at June 25, 2004 01:00 AM
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