May 10, 2004

Some progress...

Making progress on several fronts. I finally started to overcome the environment on my first project at work, and got an adminitrator to set up a place for my team to drop web pages. I haven't gotten into writing much documentation about anything, but that will change shortly. I finally have to gut my example code and do a real re-write the application I'm writing. I almost have all the examples I need to put all these utterly undocumented applications and libraries together in a totally new way. The infrastructure is all wrapped up in these "convenience" libraries that don't explain how anything is really done, particularly when writing applications that test the performance of the infrastructure.

I bought a futon and a frame for it today. I'll be able to pick it up Thursday. The air mattress that Michael lent me is fine, but it has a slow leak that makes it mushy by morning. I'll be happy on a futon again. The frame is also a couch, so I'll be able to lounge a bit when I feel like it.

I left the dang power supply for my laptop at the Waldorf last Saturday, so I can't even play FreeCell, since the battery is long dead and won't even charge anymore.

Posted by David Cymbala at May 10, 2004 10:00 PM
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