It looks like the stress of everything that I've been doing over the past three weeks has finally come down to the physical level. The first week I was in Houston, I did quite a bit of walking, but I didn't get particularly exhausted, or even sore. Today I am really feeling it, though. I went on a fairly long walk yesterday. While walking, I got a terrific cramp in my right calf, and suddenly felt very tired. Not sleepy, mind you, just exhausted. I had a huge dinner and walked back home very slowly. I'm at borders right now.
I'm also taking some other things into account the past few days, like how I haven't seen large numbers of people all at once for the last 4 1/2 years much at all. Working at Portalvision (my previous Internet startup job), I rarely went into Manhattan. Living in Marlborough, I went to a few networking meetings, but that was maybe only as manyh as 50 people. When I go to the Houston Center to eat lunch while at work, I see the milling hundreds, more like going out to lunch in midtown Manhattan. It does have a strange disorienting effect on me.
This is striking me as rather odd, since I used to live in Manhattan and see large numbers of people regularly. I guess you find out how you react in situations by getting dumped in feet first to them. ;-)
Posted by David Cymbala at May 15, 2004 10:00 PM