June 04, 2004

It's not over ... until it's over.

I am fit to be tied. :-(

My first paycheck bounced for some unknown reason, and we still don't know why. So now my bank account is totally frozen, and won't be taken care of until at the earliest Monday. I am really losing my patience with this financial junk. I need to get a bunch of people paid, and be able to pay for small things too, and I am stuck putting things on a credit card again until this all blows over. It is infuriating.

For once, it is good that I can't do anything about it until Monday. Because I would be up all night fixing it if I had to. I called the accountant with SACC today, but she could do nothing but call her bank, who said that the funds were "available". I have no idea what that means. And Saint Mary's Credit Union customer care was closed. I think it is really one person's fault, which means there is going to be a bunch of lying going on. :-(

Posted by David Cymbala at June 4, 2004 09:46 PM
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