May 24, 2004

No more caffeine ... for a while.

I gave up caffeine over the weekend, since I was getting no pep for more than 10-15 mins. from it. Time to back off for a while, and recover from over-caffeination over the last month. I need to finally have a nice collapse from all the changes over the past month.

I bought a cheap guitar over the weekend, which is a great relief. I finished reading the book I've been chewing on lately, and now I don't have any regular reading material. Since I have cut back severely on going out to eat, and there is no Internet at my apartment, boredom can be an issue. Now I can play guitar, which can be either goal-oriented (composing) or not (playing old stuff or noodling), as my mood dictates.

I'm waiting for my first pay check to go through before I buy anything really expensive, like a new computer. The amount of time it takes to get paid has me going nuts. Yes, it's on the way, over the next few days, but I want to normalize my credit cards and bank accounts NOW. Every time I think of the money situation, I get a little panicked, since I've had to make so many painful adjustments this year. I'm desperate to undo all those adjustments, because they are costing me that much more money.

I'm flying back to MA on Wednesday night. I'm looking forward to being back home as a gainfully employed "head of a household", rather than an unemployed one. I'll probably be a bit more relaxed. I'll be flying back on Sunday night, mostly due to bad flight times being the only ones available on Priceline. It makes it easier to make sure I catch my flight, rather than trying to make a 7 AM flight on Monday morning. It's not so fun trying to wake up and make sure you have everything in order when you are basically asleep.

I'll have to line up some more reading material for myself when I'm back. This "exile" from the comforts of home is really a great chance to read and write, which I've been trying to do for a long time, without much success. It's just hard to write unless you have all your material in front of you, or unless you make the time for it regularly.

Posted by David Cymbala at May 24, 2004 03:45 PM
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