May 14, 2004


This week felt like about a month long. I'm getting comfortable with the new apartment, getting comfortable with the work environment, taking care of my day-to-day. Now I just need to get in the habit of shopping regularly and bringing in my own lunch. I'm picking up my futon today. Michael is helping me with his truck. It will make me feel much more homey. I think my laptop power supply may arrive today too.

We're finally getting more of a "team" feel now. The people in Houston, New York, and London are starting to do things together and coordinating. We're even setting up a Wiki (my apologies to the uninitiated) for the team, which will help us with sharing documentation and ideas. I sent a summary of my efforts so far to my manager, in the spirit of a weekly "what I did and what I'll do" report. It feels good to see some real accomplishments this early in the project.

I hope that I can get the ball rolling on a broadband connection this weekend. And I also need to buy sheets and blanket(s), pillows and cases, and a desk or table for the living room.

Posted by David Cymbala at May 14, 2004 04:57 PM