May 12, 2004


I was working on my project today, trying to solve a small mystery. I was going merrily along, and what happens? I accidentally deleted all the code I've been working on for the last few days. The reason why it happened is due to a "misunderstanding" about the commands to make the working program from the code. One command, "clean", is supposed to remove the results of the build, leaving only the code to be built again from scratch. Those "names" bit me again, and it started removing *everything*, but fortunately failed before it could erradicate everything I had done.

I almost had another meltdown, but I realized that I could get most of it back by reverse-engineering it from a dump of the code I already compiled. I've gotten most of it back now, but it is downright embarassing. See what happens when you don't backup your work in a safe place before you start "tinkering"? I should just know better, that is the problem. At least I remember what I did yesterday because it was very recent.

It is just hard to follow through all the way to recover everything when you hear yourself saying "if only I had just..." It was just unexpected, which why it was rather unnerving.


Back for more where that came from.

Posted by David Cymbala at May 12, 2004 08:18 PM
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