May 02, 2004

The Waldorf is nice...

I got into the hotel at about 8 pm. Not a bad flight, except for the guy with the mammoth elbow next to me, and the shrieking, bouncing child in front of me. I popped on my trusty headphones and listened to the canned music, which wasn't too bad. I also wrote a whole bunch of stuff that I may post eventually.

I've been reading a bunch of stuff about how the brain works and how emotion and intellect interact in a few books lately. Very interesting stuff. I'll post a bibliography some time. Particularly interesting stuff about how a sense of "self" emerges from the basic biological survival matrix.

The Waldorf is indeed very nice. I was sitting in the lobby after my team member (Sethu) and I had dinner, and writing a bit more. As I sit there, Val Kilmer strolls through. Well, it is New York, and a posh hotel, so what should I expect. That is what happens, because that is where such people tend to stay when in town.

I figured out that I must have walked about 5+ miles yesterday, so today is when I am feeling it. Tomorrow I expect to be good and sore. I needed the exercise, and I will not be complaining about it, since it actually is the "good" kind of sore.

Posted by David Cymbala at May 2, 2004 11:16 PM
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